Winston Morales Chavarro        
    Traducciones de poemas de
Winston Morales Chavarro





How beautiful is Eve
How beautiful the serpent that surrounds her
The tree that grows in her waist
The fleshy fruit that her lips display
As they lean over the ocarina
Their music at the edge of the woods.
How beautiful her hair
Dark braids that fall over her perfumed shoulders
Her nose breathing other worlds
And creating for so many labyrinths
blossoms and garlands that will substitute them.
How beautiful is Eve
How beautiful her ankles
The traces she draws over the sand
To mark the path toward light and shadows.
How beautiful the children she has cast to the world
The river that descends over the hills of her belly
The volcano in her eyes of fire.
How beautiful that thinking rib
This sacred dust
This aromatic cane
That holds in its fragrant breasts
another apple for the times of rain.



Translated by Luis Rafael Gálvez
(Los Ángeles-California)
Taken from: Memorias de Alexander de Brucco.


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